The generous donation at Verdun Hospital

February 25th, 2020

Mrs. Lisa Mark
General Manager
Tzu Chi Foundation, Montreal’s office
202-4468 rue Wellington,
Verdun, Quebec, H4G 1W5

Dear Lisa,
I would like to sincerely thank you and the Tzu Chi Foundation donors for the generous donation of $13,000 in June 2019 for the purchase of a transport ventilator at the Verdun Hospital.

Your generosity has a significant impact on the lives of all patients at the Verdun Hospital, but especially on vulnerable patients suffering from respiratory and cardiopulmonary disorders.

Your donation will allow us to offer these patients the best care with cutting-edge equipment and enhance health care efficiency and patients’ quality of life.

On behalf of the hospital patients and staff, and our Board of Directors, I would like to sincerely thank you for your kind gesture and your confidence in our Foundation.

As discussed, we will be pleased to mentioned you as a partner of our Foundation to inspire others and we will send you a brief report to explain the impact of your gift.

Catherine Britt
Major and planned gifts Manager Charity number 11892 3291 RR0001
c.c. Mr. Bois Chan

Fondation Santé Urbaine_thank you letter_feb.2020